“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing themselves”. Leo Tolstoy

Your Personal Growth Inspiring Services...

Executive Coaching

Experience executive quality leadership development using the latest evidence based coaching approaches. Helping you reach your goals and be your best possible self…

Team Development

High-performing teams are not the default. Unlock the potential of your team through our impactful, dynamic team coaching. Experience the skilled application of the top approaches…


Bringing strategic vision and practical solutions unlocking transformational change. A track record of impactful organisational improvements…

Partnering with leaders, teams and organisations in a thought-provoking and creative process inspiring them to unlock their unique personal and professional potential.

The Benefits Speak for Themselves…

Read Firsthand Accounts from Our Satisfied Clients…

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Edwin Eve EMCC Accredited Coach at Senior Practitioner Level- EMCC Senior Practitioner Badge
Edwin Eve Hogan Assessment Certified Coach Badge
Edwin Eve EMCC Accredited Coach at Senior Practitioner Level
Edwin Eve Team Coaching 360 degree accreditation

A unique blend of decades of business, consulting and coaching psychology capabilities

  • Three decades of business experience, a career polymath with leadership experience in Global Continuous Improvement, Technical and Innovation Leadership, Chartered Engineer, Project Engineering, and Leadership Development. Delivering results across diverse industries including Pharmaceuticals, Oil and Gas, Personal Safety, General Industry, Personal Care, and Automotive.

  • Coaching since 2017 developing Vice Presidents, Directors, mid level managers, high potential leaders and new graduates in multiple organisations (including 3M Company, a global Fortune 100 innovation conglomerate)

  • MSc Coaching and Behavioural Change (Henley Business School a globally recognised centre of excellence). I understand and apply what works in coaching and behaviour change

  • More than 2,000 hours deep coaching training on proven behavioural change techniques.

  • More than 40 nationalities coached, experienced senior global cross-cultural coaching

  • EMCC Accredited Coach at Senior Practitioner level, Proudly subscribing to the EMCC Code of Ethics

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) International Coaching Federation (ICF), Proudly subscribing to the ICF code of ethics

  • Hogan Leadership psychometric assessment accredited, the leading psychometric for executive level selection and development,

  • Accredited team coach through MSc and Performance edge team coaching, capabilities in developing high-performing teams

  • Experience of working in complex global conglomerates across more than 50 nations, understanding the systemic and other challenges of the business world.

  • Drawing on diverse techniques including neuroscience, group dynamics, systemic coaching, team coaching, solutions focused coaching, cognitive behavioural techniques, positive psychology (including strengths) and many more proven approaches to develop leaders and teams.

Get started on your personalised development journey today.

Edwin Eve Coach Cosnultation Screen - Zoom call with clients
Edwin Eve Director and Founder Eve Coaching and Consulting Ltd ICF Professional Certified Coach, Chartered Engineer London UK