Coaching and behavioural change insights area…

Inspirational content, interesting stories, thought provoking ideas, hints and tips on real topics to explore.

Edwin Eve Edwin Eve

Thriving in Matrix Organisations

Sometimes, working in a matrixed organisation can seem bewildering in complexity. Multiple overlapping relationships to manage, see how to thrive in the matrix…

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Edwin Eve Edwin Eve

Sanfords’ Challenge and Support Theory: Empowering Growth Through Coaching

Explore successful coaching through the perspective of Sanford's Challenge and Support Theory, a pivotal framework guiding coaches to foster growth by balancing encouragement with the right level of challenge. Discover how this approach helps individuals stretch their limits while ensuring a supportive environment for personal and professional development.

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Edwin Eve Edwin Eve

The Silent Language of Leaders: Harnessing the Power of Executive Presence

Welcome to our latest blog post where we explore the fascinating concept of executive presence. Often the defining factor between good and great leaders, executive presence melds confidence, poise, authenticity, and emotional intelligence. It's not just about what leaders say, but how they are perceived - through their knowledge, demeanor, and empathetic communication.

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Edwin Eve Edwin Eve

The Psychology of Purpose and Our Search For Meaning

The Psychology of Purpose delves into human pursuit of meaning, exploring intrinsic motivation, goal achievement, identity, societal impact, and coping mechanisms. It shapes well-being, relationships, and resilience, unraveling the intricate interplay of cognition, emotion, and behavior in the quest for a meaningful life.

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